Erectile Dysfunction Help


Erectile Dysfunction Help is a short online course to tantrically address erection problem together with your partner. You will be explained how to subtly stimulate the Lingam (tantric term for penis) for optimal hardness. We’re not talking about the violent “pulling movements” that cause frustration.

The tantric erectile dysfunction remedy has been practiced for more than 2,000 years but is not known to the general public. Practice for 3 months to solve your erection problem.

Upon receipt of payment, you will receive the access code for the 3-month online course.

Solving an erection disorder together with your partner is a first step to tantric lovemaking.


Why Erectile Dysfunction Help?

Erection problem solving without medication is not something of recent times. Tantrists (or tantrikas) experienced erection problems as early as 2000 years ago during tantric lovemaking (Maithuna). They solved this with the options they had at that time and they still work today. The techniques used for centuries are explained in the online course Erection Dysfunction Help by Tantric for Life.

Natural remedy for erectile dysfunction

In fact, the way the tantrists do it is to solve erection problems naturally. There is absolutely no medication involved. It can be applied by any couple, applying the technique can turn into (tantric) lovemaking. Solving erection problems yourself with your partner also strengthens the relationship.

How is the course structured?

Step by step, from inner peace, you follow the loving path without stress, time pressure, performance anxiety or fear of failure to a healthy erection.


Tantric techniques are often used complementarily in the medical world in PRP treatment. The abbreviation PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. This involves separating platelet-rich plasma from red blood cells from your own blood. The plasma is injected into the tissue around the penile swelling bodies causing them to rejuvenate.

Valid for 3 months

The availability of the online course Erectile Dysfunction Help is three months. The three months start counting from the moment you receive the login code.